Most dental problems can be prevented

Can You Help Me With My
Dental Problems?

options for impacted or missing teeth
Believe it or not an unattractive smile is a dental problem

From bad breath to unattractive smile, WebMD has a list of over 16 dental problems. Surprisingly most can be prevented with good daily oral care. Midtown Dentistry can help you solve most of your oral health problems.


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Archives: Oral Health

A Woman’s Body and Oral Health

A woman goes through hormonal changes many times in her life whether she likes it

Does my oral hygiene affect my sex life?

The answer to this is yes, oral hygiene can affect my sex life and in

Good Oral Hygiene Prevents HPV Infection

 What is HPV Infection?HPV, or human papillomavirus, is one of the most common sexually transmitted

How Can I Become a Dental Hygienist?

Dental hygienist is an important member of any dental care practice, and whenever you schedule

More Dental Problems

Beyond Toothaches and Plaque Toothaches, gum disease and impacted teeth are only a few of

Latex Allergy

 What are the Symptoms of  Latex Allergies? Naturally, occurring latex has been linked in recent

Medication and Heart Disease

Medication, Heart Disease, and Your Teeth Certain kinds of drugs can hurt your teeth. Children

Nutrition and Your Teeth

How Nutrition Affects Your Teeth Proper nutrition and a well-balanced diet is one of the

Dental Care for Seniors

Unique Concerns: Senior Dental Care Advancing age can increase the risk of developing oral health

The Woman’s Complete Dental Guide

Dental Care for Women - from Puberty to Menopause Women have different oral health issues

Cavity Prevention – Protect Your Child’s Teeth

Tips On Cavity Prevention For Toddlers & Babies Babies start teething from six months onward,


What Are Dental Sealants? Dental sealants are an excellent preventative dental care treatment that can

Teeth Flossing Tips

Why Floss Your Teeth? Daily flossing is essential for removing plaque and food debris from

Six Tips for Better Tooth Brushing

How to Brush Your Teeth If you're serious about looking after your teeth and gums,

Tooth Decay

What is Tooth Decay? Tooth decay occurs when bacteria in the mouth produce acids that

Green Dentistry

What is Green Dentistry? Yes, your Houston dentist does do his part to be environmentally

What is Scaling and Root Planing?

Most people will book professional cleanings with their hygienist, usually at every checkup. It is

Which Crowns Are the Strongest?

If you need a crown or bridge and are concerned about the overall appearance of

Are You Allergic to Dental Root Canal Fillers

Root canal fillers may cause an allergic reaction and can be a severe health risk.

Are Amalgam Dental Fillings Safe?

Have you wondered..... Are amalgam dental fillings safe? Amalgam fillings, or silver fillings, are alloys

What are the Reason for Removing Dental Implants?

Dental implant removal is rarely necessary. But when required, it’s usually due to infection, inflammation,

What is a Valplast Dentures?

Many people have a few teeth missing and need a suitable way of replacing them.

What Are the Different Types of Dental Fillings?

There are different types of fillings and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Silver

Did You Know: Tooth Enamel Is Harder Than Gold

Most people already know that our teeth have a protective layer known as enamel. However,

Are Valplast Partials Comfortable to Wear?

Valplast a Different Experience Losing teeth is a common occurrence. By age 50, the average

What is a Prosthetic Crown?

With regular visits to the dentist, your teeth can be protected for as long as

What Amalgam Fillings Contain Mercury?

Did You Know that Amalgam Fillings Contain Mercury? Amalgam fillings contain mercury, a chemical that

Tooth-Colored Fillings – Today’s Choice

Your cosmetic dentist in Houston Texas will most likely advise you to go for tooth-colored

Why White fillings?

Unlike the other parts of the body, teeth do not have the ability to heal

"Over 29-years in Houston and we guarantee we can make you want to smile again"
Dr. Jonathan Penchas
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