Sweets for My Sweet but Healthy Teeth for Halloween

September 15, 2020

Most parents are not anticipating the role of a Halloween Grinch. After all, they too were kids once so they totally understand the joy this single day can bring. Unfortunately, Halloween can also give way to toothache and other dental problems. Since kids will be coming home with a bagful of treats, parents worry whether they should allow their children to enjoy the fruits of their hard work (that is trick or treat!) or let their healthy teeth advocate take over.There are many ways to let kids indulge in sweets without getting paranoid about dental cavities. Your goal is to keep them from eating a lot of sugary treats without being labeled as killjoy. One trick is to buy inedible stuff your little ones would be happy to have and exchange those with some sweets in their loot. Trade a coloring book for a lollipop or a sticker for a candy. Be sure to get the hard candies because these are often more damaging than soft ones.Timing is everything too. Let them save those sweets for dessert. As they are inclined to brush their teeth after each basic meal, the traces of sweets won’t stay long in their mouths. Encourage them to use floss and drink lots of water. It is also recommended to schedule your kids’ visit to their Houston Texas dentist a day or two after the bulk of Halloween treats are consumed. Professional cleaning ensures that their teeth stay clean and cavity-free after consuming all things sweet and chocolaty.