Nocturnal Teeth Grinding

September 15, 2020

Teeth grinding is often seen in people who are angry or annoyed. It is almost a reflex action done by most who don’t even realize they’re doing it till someone points it out to them. This can be quite damaging to your teeth. You might be surprised to know that some people even grind their teeth while they are sleeping, which is known as nocturnal tooth grinding. Even you might be doing it unknowingly of course. This is not at all healthy for your teeth and it needs to be dealt with immediately. This website have the answers you are looking for. You will also find other interesting details about your tooth that will shock you. Something as bad as coronary heart blockage can be caused by bacteria in gums and their blog will tell you how! But for now, we will get down to grinding away during the night.

The Harm behind Nocturnal Tooth Grinding

Bruxing is another word for this. And it is pretty harmful. The most obvious signs of this problem is when you have a severe headache or when your jaw tends to ache during the morning. It might seem unexplainable but the reason behind this could be that you are grinding your teeth. If the problem is a chronic one, it can even lead to teeth being loose or getting fractured. In severe cases tooth loss can also occur. If you have had treatment by having a filling or an adjustment of the tooth crown, that is also rendered useless because most of it is damaged due to this habit.

But Unaware Of the Habit…?

They say that the first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one. Admittance is a far off problem here because a lot of people are unaware for a long time that they grind their teeth while they are sleeping. Of course, they can’t tell in their sleep! But if you or someone you know is experiencing jaw pain, our website will provide you with a diagnosis and also help you to treat it and get rid of it for good.


Rather than suffering and putting yourself through the torture of experiencing bone loss in the jaw and unexplained swollen gums, try to find out what is up and match your symptoms with the ones of Nocturnal Tooth Grinding. Our website will also give you recommendations on what to do about it and you might even have to make your own adjustments or a custom mouth guard. Feel free to give us a call and we shall be more than happy to help you out! Everything helps! You will find even more interesting facts figures by browsing through other sections of our website.