Braces vs Clear Retainers, Invisalign®, Clear Braces, Smile Direct® which is better?


Clear Braces

Is Invisalign® the best clear braces?

Whether Invisalign® is the best is a personal preference.
Invisalign® was the first (and is the most expensive) aligner system in the US.

Today there are dozens of companies that make the same type of retainers as Invisalign®. Some of the other aligner companies have new features, and some provide almost the same features at a cheaper cost.

The following Invisalign® competitor companies are:

What are Clear Braces?

Clear aligners are custom made plastic retainers that fit a person’s upper or lower teeth. They are often referred to as clear braces

They are custom made for each individual from a scan or mold of their teeth. Computer software then calculates how to move the teeth with pressure overtime to get them from crooked to straight.

Each aligner is designed to press on the teeth, causing them to shift in the jaw bone, just like braces do.

Clear braces can only move the teeth a small increment of about 1/2mm. That is why a person needs anywhere from 10 to 40 aligners each worn for one to two weeks to get straighter teeth.

Braces vs Invisalign vs Clear Braces?

Is Invisalign® as good as regular braces?

Invisalign® can get the same result braces for 90% of people with crooked teeth.

But it has its limits. Only an experienced dentist can tell whether you are a candidate for clear aligners or will benefit from braces.

Here are a few tips to determine if you should have braces or Invisalign®

Braces vs Invisalign vs Clear Braces?

Are traditional braces cheaper than Invisalign® or clear braces?

Some Dentist charges more for Invisalign, and others like Midtown Dentistry charge the same price for either. Clear aligners are more expensive than traditional braces They cost the dentist about $750-950 per jaw or $1,900 for a full mouth. The price of the traditional braces is about $1,000 for the full mouth. Not included in the cost of the devices are the value of the tools, scanners, and staff.

The price of braces and Invisalign depends on a few things:

Braces vs Invisalign vs Clear Braces?

How painful is clear braces?

Braces vs Invisalign vs Clear Braces?

How long does it take for clear braces to work?

With clear braces such as Invisalign, It takes one week to move a tooth 1/2mm.

For an average person that needs their teeth straightened it will take 8-12 months to straighten their front teeth.

Braces vs Invisalign vs Clear Braces?

Do you really have to wear clear braces 24 hours?

Yes, you must wear them at least 22 hours per day.
At Midtown Dentistry we tell our patients to wear them 24 hours per day, and only remove them to brush your teeth and to eat meals.

If you take them out for over 2 hours a day, figure you will lose a week of work moving your teeth.

Removing them for two days, and the retainer will not fit, and you may lose a month worth of work and have to start back from that time.

Braces vs Invisalign vs Clear Braces?

What Your Dentists Want You to Know About Wearing Metal Braces

A smile lifts the mood of everyone around. Unfortunately, many people are holding back their smiles because their teeth are not so pleasant looking. They can be misaligned or overcrowded, which can affect not only one’s looks and self-esteem but also dental function.

Many Types of Braces

All that metal in the mouth may not be attractive, hence the alternative “invisible” braces.  Nevertheless, metal braces remain a top option for patients needing this type of dental treatment.

If you’re planning to have dental braces put in, one of the things you have to be aware of is you may be wearing them for 12 months to 3 years then you have to wear retainers for a year after.

Don’t Slack Off Dental Care with Braces

When it comes to dental care, you really can’t slack off in this area because you are more prone to tooth decay. Food can easily get caught in the wires and brackets of the braces, so it becomes even more important to brush your teeth after every meal and floss at least once every day to dislodge trapped food.  Also, make a habit of rinsing your mouth regularly with a saltwater solution to help prevent bacteria buildup.

Dental Wax Prevents Cuts and Sores

Metal braces are also known to irritate the gums and cheeks due to friction. Dental wax will cover the metal to prevent cuts or sores inside the mouth. Special care is also needed when selecting what to eat because the wrong kinds of food can damage the braces.

Eating chewy and sticky foods will loosen the brackets. Hard foods such as pretzels and nuts will also dislodge the braces. It is best to avoid eating them. With proper care and good dental hygiene, you’ll get the best outcome of this treatment.M

Braces vs Invisalign vs Clear Braces?
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